
Continuing with the journey thru the seas of Mexico to look for the most noticeable and feared sharks that inhabit the deep waters, project team Sharks of  Mexico and Televisa News go onto sketching now one of the largest fish in the world, which is also considered one of the most docile and harmless: the whale shark.

After the adventures with the Tiger shark in the Bahamas, the team moved up to the Mexican Caribbean.

Native to tropical seas worldwide, with a flattened and somewhat pointed head, elongated and robust, with spots and white vertical lines, the whale shark is the largest fish of the seas, reaching up to 50 ft in length and a weight of 20 tons.

It feeds on plankton and small fish which are filtered thru its feeders and gills.

Besides the Mexican Caribbean seas, this creature also inhabits the southern Gulf of California.

Marine biologist Deni Ramirez talks about the work done in La Paz, where in winter, numerous specimens are usually seen in these waters, coming back season after season.

Luckily this shark receives constant care from scientists, environmentalists and divers who monitor them all the time. Swimming with whale sharks is a widely seeked adventure by lovers of the underwater world.

In spite of all this care, they are frequent victims of nets and ropes, like this specimen which was fortunate enough to run into a group of divers who freed him from a rope in the waters of Revillagigedo.


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