Cruceros CNT 1

At the beginning of the high season In Baja California Sur, two cruise ships arrived in the Bay of Cabo San Lucas with approximately six thousand tourists. To greet them was the municipal Director of Tourism Alejandro Bonilla Guerrero who said, “We are prepared to receive all those who choose Los Cabos as the ideal place to enjoy their vacations leaving the area with great economic benefits”

Likewise, the local Tourism representative informed that, the economic Benefits Are not Exclusively for tourism service providers, but also for local producers, who through the Directorate of Economic Development and Tourism sell regional products to tourists visiting the marina of Cabo San Lucas.

Similarly, at the CATAC offices, Tourism Coordinator Nohemi Romero Guzmán, provides guidance to visitors as well as support in any situation where tourists are involved.

Finally, in the rural area there is an information booths located in the “Tropic of Cancer” shopping plaza, there tourists are given information on Historical Sites In each and every one of the Delegations, as well as maps to  local Ecological reserves such as Sol de Mayo.

Translation by Tony Perez Dillon for Cabo News Today

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