Los Cabos strengthens its tourism leadership with a new Board of Directors of the Hotel Association

New Board CNT 1

The Los Cabos Hotel Association (AHLC) has announced its new Board of Directors for the period 2025-2026, with Armando García, representative of the Pueblo Bonito group, assuming the presidency. In a press conference, together with Lilzi Orcí, Executive President of the AHLC, the main challenges and strategies that the tourist destination will face in the next two years were highlighted.

Lilzi Orcí emphasized the sustained growth of the hotel sector in Los Cabos, with solid occupancy and a significant economic impact. "Hotels not only generate income, but also employment, and in Los Cabos the unemployment rate is minimal. We are always looking for new collaborators," she said. She also stressed the importance of tourism promotion and the need for greater investment in this area. "There is a mistaken perception that Los Cabos sells itself. However, in markets such as Europe, the effort to position it is greater and requires additional resources," she added.

For his part, Armando García highlighted the continuity and strengthening of teamwork within the hotel sector and its commitment to sustainability. "We are implementing strategies to reduce the environmental impact, such as the efficient use of water and energy resources in hotels, the reduction of single-use plastics and the promotion of recycling practices. In addition, we will work together with local suppliers to promote more responsible and sustainable tourism," he explained. "The challenge is the same as we have had: to consolidate Los Cabos as an exclusive and international destination. We must take care of our home, because if we don't do it ourselves, no one else will," he said.

Among the main challenges facing the AHLC are mobility, urban image, security and staff training. "It is essential to work with municipal, state and federal governments to guarantee the growth of the destination. Collaboration with organizations such as Fiturca is key to strengthening tourism promotion," García said.

The new board is made up of 95 members representing the diversity of the destination's hotels, including all-inclusive hotels, European plans, and properties located in different areas, such as San José del Cabo, Cabo San Lucas, and the East Cape.

The Board of Directors will be made up of:

Mauricio Salicrup

Security Committee

David Ocete

Governmental Affairs Committee

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