Pierre-Yves Cousteau Supports initiative to declare coastal PNAs in BCS


Recently Pierre-Yves Cousteau visited Los Cabos. In an exclusive interview for Cabo News Today, he spoke about his feelings after immersing himself in the coastline that his father baptized as the “Aquarium of the World”.
"Well it's my first time here in Mexico and only two days now, well, we did two dives yesterday and I can see the incredible nature that there is in Cabo Pulmo, a place that has been protected for 20 years now, this part of the world is known by seekers as an exceptional place to dive and one of the last places in the world to see so much."
He also spoke about the factors that threaten the seas today and pointed out that one of the objectives of his visit is to support the initiative to declare a protected natural area along the coasts of Baja California Sur.
"The sea dies, overfishing, climate change, pollution, are very large impacts that people cannot see because on the surface it seems that everything is fine, but under water, we know today that the sea dies, and if the sea dies, we will feel the consequences, in the conservation of the environment there are no 15 solutions, there is only one that works very well and that is practiced in many places of the world, which is to create sanctuaries, places where one cannot fish, you cannot extract something from the bottom of the sea, places that we leave quiet for future generations, and today I am here to support the CODEMAR project, to create a protected area in Baja California Sur and to have this conservation of nature for the future ".
He also did not stop sharing what his father, the great investigator Jacques Cousteau, did in this part of Mexico,
"Well my father and his team came here 5 times between the 60s and 80s, and they made several films here, and they said it's the world's aquarium, it's true, we dived in Cabo Pulmo yesterday, it was fantastic because it's been protected for 20 years , and that can be saved for Mexico and for future generations, and it can be reinforced and improved, supported and better with protected, intelligent areas like this CODEMAR project, which also benefits nature as well as people ".
Pierre-Yves Cousteau is the youngest of four children of famous French explorer Jacques Cousteau.
He studied astrobiology and worked at the European Space Agency.
In 2016 he received recognition in Nairobi, Kenya as "Citizen of the Sea" from the UN Environment Program for his work in conservation.
It should be noted that Jacques Yves Cousteau had 4 children. The first two Jean Michel and Phillipe (who died in 1979 piloting a hydroplane), Simone Melchior his first wife died of cancer in 1990. Diane and Pierre Yves whose mother is Francine Triplet, a former flight attendant for Air France that today is at the head of the Cousteau Society.
Pierre Yves, is the youngest son and was born in 1982, he only managed to live 16 years with his father.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau is best remembered for having been in 1943, together with Émile Gagnan, the co-inventor of the regulators still used today in self-diving (both professional and recreational) regardless of cables and air supply pipes from the surface.
He was also the one who unveiled the famous sand waterfalls located more than 30 meters deep in the bay of Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur and that were discovered in 1959 by the researcher at the Scripps Oceanographic Institute in San Diego, California, Francis Shepard.



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